Registration is open until Sunday, August 18, for the 7th World Congress of Polish Families, to be held August 23-25 in Brussels. You can still take the last free places by signing up at “You are cordially invited,” encouraged bishop Piotr Turzyński the Delegate of the Polish Bishops’ Conference for Pastoral Care of Polish Emigrants.

„For several years now, we have been working with the Polish Family Council and other supportive organizations and institutions to help spouses and families living in emigration, to highlight the value of marriage, and to assist in raising children. This is a very important task in today’s world,” emphasized Bishop Turzyński in a statement for Family News Service.

The delegate of the Polish Bishops’ Conference will be one of the speakers during the three-day event. „I have prepared a lecture and several reflections for this Congress on the topic of a mature, proper hierarchy of values that helps spouses maintain unity and stability in their relationship,” the bishop Turzyński announced.

This year’s congress topics include, among others: building and strengthening mature marital and family relationships, communication and conflict resolution, re-emigration, as well as the upbringing and support of children’s and adolescents’ development. The event’s program will feature lectures, workshops, integration meetings, individual meetings, a tour of Brussels, and individual consultations. Participants will have the opportunity to meet with prominent speakers and experts.

There is also the possibility of remote participation in the Congress. Most events can be followed via online streaming on the Rodzina na Emigracji (Family in Emigration) YouTube channel: It is necessary to subscribe to the channel to receive notifications about available streams.

The Congress is organized by the Pastoral Care for Polish Emigrants, the Polish Family Council, the Family Assistance Foundation, the Institute of Family Studies in Łomianki, and the Polish-language Pastoral Care in Belgium.


More information and detailed Congress program:


Video materials about the Congress:
