Australia, South Africa, USA, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, UK, and France – 65 journalists working in the Polish Diaspora from 20 countries met in Warsaw 22-24 September 2023 during the 6th World Forum of Polish Media Abroad, held for the first time along with the 10th Congress of the Federation of Polish Media in the East. The event is organised by the World Association of Journalists of the Polish Diaspora.

Photo: Family News Service

The meeting in Warsaw was an opportunity, among other things, to listen to the voice of Polish journalists from the East, especially from Ukraine and Belarus.
Wiktoria Laskowska, President of the Zhytomyr Regional Union of Poles in Ukraine, coordinates the work of several media outlets attached to the organisation. “We cover issues of interest to Poles in Ukraine and important events taking place in Poland” – said President Laskowska in an interview with the Family News Service.

The Polish media in Ukraine played a unique role during the pandemic and especially during the war. “When the Russians entered the cities and towns, they first destroyed Polish activists and Poles; this is hardly mentioned”, Laskowska pointed out.

The Polish media in the East “are a source of verified information. Our correspondents obtain news sometimes at the risk of their lives”, stressed Wiktoria Laskowska. Materials are passed on to other Polish media operating abroad and in the home country.

President of the Zhytomyr Regional Union of Poles in Ukraine told the participants that a school located a mere 70 metres from the office of her organisation was bombed. Since the beginning of the war, the office has employed some emergency staff, who cooperate with partner cities in Poland and channel large-scale assistance. As she said, “Soldiers thanked us and Poles in the country for this aid on their knees”.

The forum was especially important for journalists from the East.

This is how Wiktoria Laskowska summarised her participation in the event: “We missed those meetings. We see the importance of human relationships. During the pandemic and at the beginning of the war, there was no such opportunity to meet up. Now we can take a breath of freedom in Poland to continue our work”.

On the first day of the Forum, participants met at the Chancellery of the Prime Minister with the Government Plenipotentiary for Polish Diaspora and Poles Abroad, Jan Dziedziczak, who stressed the importance of Polish media: “It is not only newspapers, radio and television stations and Internet portals, but environments that see more, feeling a responsibility for Polish environments” – said the minister.

The official emphasised the role of the Polish media especially in the context of the war in Ukraine: “It is vital to react to attacks on Poland, but above all to write favourably about Poland” – said Jan Dziedziczak. Present at the Chancellery were, among others, representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Sejm, as well as foundations and organisations working for the Polish Diaspora.

The World Association of Media of the Polish Diaspora presented Word of the Polish Diaspora statuettes during the meeting.

The statuette was awarded to Andrzej Poczobut from Belarus, prosecuted for his activity there. Since he was absent during the Forum, President of the World Association of Journalists of the Polish Diaspora Teresa Sygnarek said: “This statuette is waiting for him. We have submitted a number of resolutions, appeals, and protests in Andrzej Poczobut’s defence (…). We continue our efforts and make appeals to the entire world”.

Other mentions of honour were offered to Radio Lwów staff and Joanna Majksner-Pińska for the publication of a culture and education monthly Dwukropek in the Republic of South Africa.

The schedule of the World Forum of Polish Media Abroad included lectures on current challenges for journalists, workshops led by experts, and cultural events.

Forums of Polish Media Abroad have been held annually since 2014. Initially dedicated to representatives of journalists from Europe, today, the events bring together Polish journalists from many countries. The event is organised by the World Association of Journalists of the Polish Diaspora.

Photos: Family News Service

VI Światowe Forum Mediów Polonijnych VI Światowe Forum Mediów Polonijnych
